Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

House Iterations 1

Here is the start of translating the system I derived from the moire definition.

Possible Plan Drawing


Here is what I posted for my last review. I was working toward understanding how the moire could be used as a formal system to help drive the architecture. Some of what I presented was posted earlier as well as some of the thought process.

What is a moire?
A moiré is a system of interference that derives from a subtle difference. It is created and developed through the superimposition of repetitive layers (or inputs.) Traditionally moirés are visually based. They exploit the way humans process images. We have a natural tendency to group visually similar items. When two (or more) similar or identical inputs start to overlap very closely out of phase with each other, we struggle to isolate the two inputs and our understanding of grouping shifts.

What is the inside~outside condition? How can this threshold be blurred or broken?

Inside and outside is a specific threshold condition. Visually, physically

How can the idea of the moiré be used to create architecture of inside~outside? Where is the moire (within the project?) What happens when you breakdown and remove the original inputs and utilize the both~and interference conditions?
The moiré is created through the overlapping of similar systems. The interference condition that results from the moiré is similar to the threshold condition.

What systems in architecture overlap and sometimes interfere with each other?

Structure grid
Enclosure/wall placement
Furniture layout
Environmental systems layout

What other influences in architecture can be utilized as an input? How can the moire extend beyond its visual implications?
Environmental influences - Wind Carlsbad Site deals with coastal and Santa Ana winds
Rain - San Diego lack of
Tides - Low and high, seasonal shifts

Understanding the intersection and interference of these systems with each other to formulate a spatial condition.
How will these systems interferences shift/change the design?
Additive or subtractive
Sectional conditions

­­ Other Questions:
How will the moire be visible?
How many inputs do you need?
What are the different types of inputs?
Where is the boundary? Where and how does it terminate? How is this determined?
What happens when the layers of the moire are pulled apart/stretched in one or more dimensions? How can this be used as a formal system?
What needs to be maintained in order to create the understanding of the moire?