Monday, March 1, 2010

The House of Split: A Study of Inside & Outside

Here is a draft of my current abstract:

Current culture allows us to “occupy” multiple places simultaneously. We no longer need to be physically present to be involved. Our world has increasingly begun to operate within a virtual realm where communities and connections are formed outside of our physical infrastructure and architecture. Because of this, the separation and borders that once existed between real~virtual and public~private have started to overlap, blur, and even disappear. Kazuyo Sejima states that perhaps contemporary architecture is a rethinking and softening of those borders that lie between the multiplicity of adjacencies. This projects seeks to erase the boundary between inside and outside to create architecture that has the ability to bridge the space and operate within the gap between interior and exteriority.


  1. I like the quote. I'm working on changing my picture.

  2. Your abstract was clear to me. I understand your focus.
